Thursday, December 13, 2007

lord of the flies

  • jacks group is just a bunch of jerks. they didn't have to steal piggies glasses. they need to chill.
  • i don't know why all the kids stick around with jack in control. all he does it punish them and make them do things jack doesn't feel like doing himself, like going to steal Piggy's glasses for the fire. they should have respected piggy more because without him making fire would be nearly impossible.
  • when the conch breaks it symbolizes the destruction of order and law. there are no rules anymore, its just do anything to survive. after the conch breaks chaos breaks out. piggy falls to his death( wow that was intense) and fights pop up everywhere.
  • ralph vs. everyone else and ralph still doesn't die. wow
  • only 2 deaths...i was anticipating more, but that's cool.
  • why do they say "hullo"?
  • its funny how the officer says "fun and games" even though it was far from it.
  • i like how even when they are being rescued ralph still considers himself the leader.
  • umm is the guy going to do anything about the 2 dead kids
  • i like how it ends. he just turns around
  • i really want to know piggy's name


  • i think that when jack blew the conch it symbolized that he will emerge as the new leader. when ralph had the conch, he was the only one who could bring all of the people together and that suggested that he was superior to all the others.
  • i think that it is very normal that the kids split into two groups. im just surprised it didnt happen sooner. i think that the fighting will stop between people in their own group but i think that it will cause fighting between the two groups and the people that went will jack were probably mostly the hunters, so ralphs group will have trouble getting meat and jacks group will have no shelter.
  • the description of the hunters killing the pig on page 135 is really intense. it painted a very vivid(and very bloody) picture.
  • why'd they have to spear the pig in the butt. is that really necessary.
  • i knew that someone was gana die, but why simon, hes a good kid never bothered anyone and he was just about to tell them that there was no beast. if he had gotten to tell the kids about the "beast" then i think they would have calmed down a little.
  • i think that the symbolism of simon being sent out to sea is that the only way to escape the island is to die.


  • i think that jack has had a master plan all along. when he was not voted to be the leader he just sat back and let Ralph take over. then once he gained the support of many of the smaller children he is now emerging as the new, stronger leader, and is making Ralph look like the un-cool, no fun bad guy.
  • Ralph knows that jack is gaining popularity and in an attempt to win back the kids he tries to act like jack be trying to hunt. once he starts he kind of goes crazy over the fact that he hit a pig with a spear, even though it got away.
  • "...the darkness and desperate enterprise gave the night a kind of dentist's chair unreality" I'm not sure what it really means but it sounds pretty cool.
  • the guys need to focus more on staying alive and getting off the island rather than chasing a "beast" that's probably not even there.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


  • piggy is definitely dead. they left him behind and they shouldn't have. the beast wasn't where they were looking because he went to kill piggy.
  • i think that the dialogue is getting a little annoying with everyone blurting out, cutting people off, and telling people to shut up every 5 seconds.
  • i didn't understand the beginning of the chapter, was there a man that came to the island by parachute?

Sunday, December 9, 2007


  • i like the description of jack on the hunt on the first couple of pages of chapter 3. it gave me a real sense of what its like for them on the island and what it takes for them to survive.
  • when jack meets up with ralph they start arguing about what is more important, the food or the huts. i think that both of their arguments are strong and it also shows important leadership skills for both
  • i dont understand why no one helps around the island except for a few people, doesnt everyone want to survive?
  • i know the ship was supposed to be a surprise and all, and it was supposed to be all suspenseful to see if they would make it in time to light the fire and be saved, but its a little early in the book for them to be rescued, dont ya think.
  • jack is annoying me with all that pig crap, he should have kept the fire goin
  • i thought jack was gana kill piggy, really
  • i think if everyone would listen to piggy once in a while they would get something done

Thursday, December 6, 2007


  • i like how the author on page 34 has the characters talk about how their little adventure on the island was just like a book
  • the dialogue is very realistic in the book. when they have their meetings everyone is talking over everyone else fighting for the right to talk, thats why i thought it was a pretty good idea to introduce the conch as a thing to allow people to speak especially with the smaller kids.
  • i thought that the fire was made too quick, on man vs. wild it could take him hours. but i understand the author wouldn't describe an hour of the boys trying to make a fire.
  • im proud of piggy for standing up for what he believes in. i think that the kids should listen to him because he sounds like he knows what hes doing and what the kids priorities should be. i also think that jack and Ralph are jerks because they said that who ever had the conch could speak then when piggy had the shell he was not allowed hi turn.
  • the leaders are twisting and changing the rules around to meet their own benefits

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

chapter one

  • what is the scar?
  • i like how the author doesn't give the names away in the beginning, but lets you find out through the convo.
  • i feel bad for piggy
  • all the kids seem to be very calm for people that are stuck on an island. they seem like there just having a party or something and their just assigning jobs for people just because.
  • i found it a little weird that all of the people on the island were boys.
  • why was everyone getting naked?
  • i think that everyone will be mean to piggy and then later on they'll find out he has some sort of magical power or just a good skill

Monday, November 26, 2007

last one

  • i dont think that the 2nd ending(not the original) fit the book. i wanted pip to end up alone. idk why.
  • a lot of people die for some reason. does their death symbolize anything
  • i would be really mad if i were Biddy. when Pip finds out that Estella doesnt want to be with him he goes to his next option, and i wouldnt want to be someones 2nd choice. why does Pip think that he even deserves Biddy as a wife.
  • a lot of stuff happens in the garden at Miss Havisham's house. Pip gets into a fight, he firsts sees Etella at the gate there, thats where Miss Havisham first comes out of the darkness of her house and into the sun(and on fire!), and thats where it ends. does the destruction of the place where Pip made a lot of his memories symbolize something. maybe the end of his old life and the beginning of a new one?
  • i think that Pip should not end up with Estella. i think he needs to forget all about his old life, with no ties to the past and start over.

Monday, November 19, 2007


i think that pip will go back to living his old life as a poor man. pip has been experiencing a lot of things in his life right now that suggest that he would do something like that. the convict has re-entered his life, which at first brings pip back to his childhood memories. then compeyson is metioned in magwhitch's story and is also the "ghost" that was behind pip in the theater. this reminds pip of the fight he saw between compeyson and the convict on the day where he went out with the soldiers looking for the convicts. anddd he was just recently rejected by estella just like he was when he was a child and he was not accepted be her. i think eventually pip will find out what really matters in life, his family, the people that he left behind for this hectic life.


i love the decription of the room where pip is staying and at all the things that are tringered in his mind while in the room

"the clset whispered, the fire-place sighed, the little washing-stand ticked, and the guitar string played occasionally in the chest of drawers. at about the same time, the eyes on the wall acquired a new expression, and in every one of those staring rounds i saw written, DON'T GO HOME."

i can just see the room coming to life as Pip lays on his bed looking around.
...and why is there a guitar in the room?

Sunday, November 18, 2007

43 44

chapter 43 sets up chapter 44 perfectly. drummle and pip get into a little argument then agree to not talk to each other. it gives the chapter a sense of awkwardness and it feels uncomfortable. then when Pip meets with miss havisham and estella he tells them what he has been felling all along, his love for estella. estella reveals that she will marry drummle soon.

this is the first time in a while where i have felt bad for pip. he has lost the love of his life.(even though he never really had her, it still sucks) i think that even miss havisham, the queen of cold, feels bad for him.

42-magwitch tells all

i love this chapter of magwitch telling Pip and herbert about his life. his story took up the whole chapter so it was hard to keep up. i got confused on page 346 when he starts talking about compeyson but it became more clear towards the end. i thought that it was interesting that magwitch has had such a horrible life but he can speak so freely about it. we also find out that compeyson is the man who broke miss havishams heart, just another coincidence i guess.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


it seems that pip is more worried about magwitch being caught than magwitch is.

pips worst nightmare

could come true. he could actually serve some time for harboring a convict. i cant imagine the reaction he would have if he got caught. and to top it all off he finds out that miss havisham never wanted pip and estella to get married.


i think this chapter shows a good side of pip. he is very kind to aged and comforts him with his head nods. i think this is a caring side of pip that is not shown too often. but, in the next chapter goes back to being selfish and thinks everything is about him when he thinks to himself why miss Havisham has not announced the engagement between him and Estella. pip needs to learn that its not all about him.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


as the book goes on pip's attitude worsens despite his great fortune. in the beginning pip felt that money was necessary to give him happiness, but once he gets the money he is still not happy and is mean and disrespectful to Joe, who is supposed to be pips best friend. i think pip needs to realize his bad attitude and fix it before he ends up unhappy and alone(and rich) just like miss havisham

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


i think that Wemmick is in the book to contrast Pip. he is a man that is not rich and is extremely happy and Pip thinks that in order to be happy you need to have money. i really like Wemmick because he takes pride in his home and he takes his work seriously but when hes not working he knows how to to have fun and he knows how to be a happy person.

Sunday, November 4, 2007


i think he is a very annoying character. he was mean to pip at the beginning of the story and now that pips rich hes like his best friend. it also annoys me that he wants to shake pips hand every two seconds.


i have no idea what is going on in this chapter. i understand that Pip and Herbert go to the Pockets house so that pip can see what their life is like, but that's about it. I'm confused because of all the craziness all around. theres this baby, and these caretakers and everything seems like its going very fast.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


why is is that Charles Dickens uses such advanced vocabulary in most areas but in some and goes into great detail to paint an image for the reader to visualize but in other parts(like on page 126 1st line) he does not. ex. "eyes that were very pretty and very good" i thought that this description of Biddy's eyes was lacking something.


who do you think was the patron who gave Pip the fortune?

can anyone tell me how to send an email evrytime i post a blog?


i think this is a story of karma. pip does all these nice things for others, like give food to the convict and push around miss havisham in her wheelchair and visit regularly and then he obtains this fortune. i think he is simply being paid back what for what he did.

feeling bad(follow up)

my pity for pip rose to a new high once we found out about his sister being attacked, orlick tormenting him, and all the existing problems he has going on like how Estella is mean and disrespectful to pip and his social class. then my sympathy fell to an extreme low when pip got the fortune and left his old life for a supposed better life. he starts to have a change in attitude and does not want to associate himself with his own family.

Monday, October 22, 2007

i feel really bad

for Pip. everyone is always talking down to him like he means nothing or hes not even there. Mrs. Joe, on page 12, talks about Pip in front of him to Joe about how Pip is rude and how he asks too many questions. On Christmas day while they're eating dinner the guests are comparing Pip to a pig, while Pip sits in front of them. worst of all when Pip goes to Miss Havisham's house and Estella (which i think Pip has a crush on) mocks Pip right in front of his face while they play cards. all of these people are saying hurtful things about Pip while Pip is in front of them, like he isn't even in the room.

page 28

on page 28, Charles dickens describes Pip's house hold on Christmas day. on this page Mrs. Joe clears the table and offers her guests some dessert and decides to get out some pork pie. as the guests, Joe, and Pip sit at the table Mrs. Joe nears the pantry to retrieve the pie. the deception given of Pip while he sits at the table reminds me of some of the descriptions given to the man in"A Tell Tale Heart" Pip is described as very nervous because we find out earlier in the book that Pip has stolen the pie to give to the convict. then as the cops come at the end of the page, that really reminded me of "a Tell Tale Heart" because the main characters in each of the stories become more and more nervous as time goes on and as the chanches of them being found out increses.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

chapter 1

in the first chapter of Great Expectations we learn that Philip Pirrip, known as Pip, is an orphan. he lives with his sister and her husband Joe Gargery. while Pip is at the graveyard looking at his parents' tombstones a stranger comes up to him. he startles Pip and starts asking him numerous questions. the stranger tells Pip that he is not alone and that if Pip doesn't supply him with food and a file, to get the chains off his feet, that he will kill Pip.


why would Pip tell the stanger where he lived when it was asked of him? wouldnt he know better not to tell him?

words i dont know

page 1- nettles
page 2- aforesaid
page 2- briars
page 3 -wittles
page 4- brambles
page 5- gibbet