Thursday, December 13, 2007


  • i think that jack has had a master plan all along. when he was not voted to be the leader he just sat back and let Ralph take over. then once he gained the support of many of the smaller children he is now emerging as the new, stronger leader, and is making Ralph look like the un-cool, no fun bad guy.
  • Ralph knows that jack is gaining popularity and in an attempt to win back the kids he tries to act like jack be trying to hunt. once he starts he kind of goes crazy over the fact that he hit a pig with a spear, even though it got away.
  • "...the darkness and desperate enterprise gave the night a kind of dentist's chair unreality" I'm not sure what it really means but it sounds pretty cool.
  • the guys need to focus more on staying alive and getting off the island rather than chasing a "beast" that's probably not even there.

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