Tuesday, December 4, 2007

chapter one

  • what is the scar?
  • i like how the author doesn't give the names away in the beginning, but lets you find out through the convo.
  • i feel bad for piggy
  • all the kids seem to be very calm for people that are stuck on an island. they seem like there just having a party or something and their just assigning jobs for people just because.
  • i found it a little weird that all of the people on the island were boys.
  • why was everyone getting naked?
  • i think that everyone will be mean to piggy and then later on they'll find out he has some sort of magical power or just a good skill

1 comment:

SG said...

yes something that you can try in your writing, especially your picture prompts. reveal information no through direct exposition, bu through dialogue.
