Monday, November 26, 2007

last one

  • i dont think that the 2nd ending(not the original) fit the book. i wanted pip to end up alone. idk why.
  • a lot of people die for some reason. does their death symbolize anything
  • i would be really mad if i were Biddy. when Pip finds out that Estella doesnt want to be with him he goes to his next option, and i wouldnt want to be someones 2nd choice. why does Pip think that he even deserves Biddy as a wife.
  • a lot of stuff happens in the garden at Miss Havisham's house. Pip gets into a fight, he firsts sees Etella at the gate there, thats where Miss Havisham first comes out of the darkness of her house and into the sun(and on fire!), and thats where it ends. does the destruction of the place where Pip made a lot of his memories symbolize something. maybe the end of his old life and the beginning of a new one?
  • i think that Pip should not end up with Estella. i think he needs to forget all about his old life, with no ties to the past and start over.

1 comment:

SG said...

i think the thing you do best in your comments is ask questions. maybe for the next book you can start to offer some speculation to the answers.
