Sunday, December 9, 2007


  • i like the description of jack on the hunt on the first couple of pages of chapter 3. it gave me a real sense of what its like for them on the island and what it takes for them to survive.
  • when jack meets up with ralph they start arguing about what is more important, the food or the huts. i think that both of their arguments are strong and it also shows important leadership skills for both
  • i dont understand why no one helps around the island except for a few people, doesnt everyone want to survive?
  • i know the ship was supposed to be a surprise and all, and it was supposed to be all suspenseful to see if they would make it in time to light the fire and be saved, but its a little early in the book for them to be rescued, dont ya think.
  • jack is annoying me with all that pig crap, he should have kept the fire goin
  • i thought jack was gana kill piggy, really
  • i think if everyone would listen to piggy once in a while they would get something done

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