Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a drink before the war

i just finished the book and it kind of suprised me. the whole book was packed with volence. too mush violence in fact. there was so much killing in the book i thought i was reading about a war not about a detective in boston. the ending kind of just ended. it didnt go out with a bang like i expected. it was a good contrast to the rest of the book because it was calm and peaceful, but i expected something different. all in all it was a pretty good book. i really liked it and im looking foward to reading more of his books in this series in the future

1 comment:

SG said...

well i think you've said something that I've never heard a ninth grader say:"there was too much violence." wow.

Maybe the soft ending was just right. Think about it some more. Sometimes giving it a few days will lead you to a greater understanding the author's choice.
